Spark Care

Preventative Care

Preventative Care with Nobi: Sleep Monitoring for Better Resident Health

Nobi revolutionises preventative care by providing advanced sleep monitoring that helps care professionals understand residents' sleep patterns and identify potential health issues. By monitoring how frequently a resident leaves their bed each night, Nobi's sleep reports give care teams vital insights into disturbances or changes in sleeping habits. These insights can uncover reasons behind mood changes or higher levels of confusion in residents, particularly when caused by disrupted sleep.

Sleep Monitoring for Improved Resident Well-Being

One of the key challenges care professionals face is understanding the causes behind a resident’s behavioural changes. With Nobi’s sleep monitoring system, care providers can now rely on precise data to identify issues like restlessness or interrupted sleep that may contribute to confusion or agitation. This early detection supports proactive interventions, improving the resident’s overall health and well-being.

Detailed Sleep Reports to Identify Causes of Confusion

Nobi's sleep reports provide critical insights into whether poor sleep quality is contributing to higher confusion levels the following day. This allows care teams to assess and address any underlying sleep-related issues and adjust the resident's care plan to enhance their health and comfort.

Discreet and Private: Fall Detection and Prevention

Nobi isn’t just about sleep monitoring; it's a comprehensive tool for fall detection and prevention. Privacy is a top priority, with all image processing handled directly on the lamp’s powerful Nvidia processor. This ensures no images are sent to external servers, safeguarding resident privacy at all times. Only in the event of a fall does Nobi push images to the care staff’s dashboard or app. These data insights help staff understand the cause of the fall and implement preventative care measures to avoid future incidents.

Customisable Privacy Levels for Resident Peace of Mind

Nobi offers customisable privacy settings to give residents control over their image sharing preferences, ensuring peace of mind. Choose from several levels of privacy:

No Image

This option only sends an alert, but no image. Although privacy is maximised, fewer insights are available regarding the fall’s context, making prevention more challenging.

Anonymised Stick Figure

This displays a stick figure representation of the resident, providing vital context for understanding falls without compromising privacy. It's a balanced option ideal for care facilities looking to maintain privacy while gathering essential data.

Full Image

With explicit consent, Nobi provides a full image to aid care staff in assessing the severity of a fall and delivering the necessary emergency response. This option is invaluable for care teams looking to better understand the cause of a fall and implement stronger preventative care strategies.

Preventative Care Through Data-Driven Insights

By combining advanced sleep monitoring with customisable fall detection solutions, Nobi empowers care professionals to deliver highly personalised care. With enhanced data insights, teams can take proactive steps to prevent future incidents, providing residents with a higher quality of life and greater peace of mind.

Nobi ensures that privacy, safety, and wellbeing are all prioritised, making it the ideal solution for modern care environments focused on preventative care.

Innovative Technology, Cost-Effective Solutions

Investing in this advanced technology offers significant cost savings, both directly and indirectly. Reduce the need for additional devices, installations, and unnecessary interventions from care teams, potentially even preventing costly hospitalisations.


Learn how Nobi Smart Lighting can elevate falls detection and prevention in your care home or retirement village, enhancing safety and operational efficiency.

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